Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Economic Recession Buster: Start a Recession Proof Business Without Borrowing!

By: Kimberly Kelly

There is no better economic recession buster at your disposal, than the option of starting a recession proof business. If you've always dreamed of starting a business, this current economic climate is the perfect catalyst to spur on your efforts.

Just take a look at the headlines:

  • Home Foreclosure Crisis Looming.

  • Government Bails Out Automakers.

  • Jobless Rate Tops 9%!

With many American families struggling to survive this current economic recession, today is your perfect opportunity to secure your family's financial future. So how do you get started? Let's take a look at three very simple steps for starting a recession proof business without borrowing.

Step One: Start With Passion!

Find a profitable business idea that you're passionate about. If you love sports, research ideas related to sports. If you're into fashion, investigate how you can turn that passion into profit.

Step Two: Get Your Finances in Order

Develop a plan for reducing and consolidating your personal debt load. This is always the first step for starting any business. Start by creating a listing of all of your monthly expenses. Sort through that list and make the necessary cuts to the non-essentials.

Step Three: Create a Bootstrap Start Up Plan

Learn all you can about bootstrap financing. Search the internet or by an eBook on bootstrap funding methods. Investing in a proven bootstrapping system can help you to uncover potential sources of free start up funding.

You can survive this economic recession, by gaining the financial freedom you deserve. Learn how to start a recession proof business, by not getting into the trouble that has been the root cause – DEBT! Discover how you can fund your new business, even if you have very little money, don't own a home or poor credit. The answer is Boostrapping!

If you'd like more information about bootstrap financing, request a free copy of "The Bootstrapper's Business Start-up Planner",by visiting my website.

©2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Recession Depression? Learn How to Start a Business Without BIG Bank Loans!

By: Kimberly Kelly

Are you suffering from recession depression? Find the cure now. Learn how to start a business without bank loans!

My neighbor has been unemployed for 10 months now. I've watched him aimlessly mope about doing yard work and other chores around the house, to try to bring some sort of relief to his despair. If it wasn't for his wife's income, we'd likely be getting new neighbors.

Unfortunately this story is playing out all across America. The latest Department of Labor jobless figures have now topped 9.4%. In May alone, almost 350,000 jobs were lost. If you happen to be one of the lucky ones who didn't get a pink slip, you're very likely doing the work of two people. That, according to a recent survey conducted by CareerBuilder.com. Their survey of American workers indicates that 37% have reported to be doing the work of two people -- and at the same rate of pay.

How Did We Get Here?

The short answer to what causes a recession, is inflation. Inflation occurs when the cost for products and services continues to rise over a sustained period. This weakens the buying power of your dollars, which causes most people to "put the brakes" on spending. Especially if that spending is not cash spending, but credit spending.

Inflation also sparks a decline in gross domestic product, which refers to the output of all products and services produced in the nation by businesses, like your employer. (So, by learning how to start a business without bank loan financing, you are essentially breaking a link in the debt chain.)

Once consumers begin guarding their dollars, business owners feel the brunt of decreased sales revenues, leading to cuts in overall spending – and ultimately job losses. The vicious cycle results in home foreclosures, government bailouts of banks (when mortgages are defaulted), and the like. It all perpetuates because of a dirty, four letter word -- D-E-B-T!

There is no doubt that recession depression is real. You're not alone in your quest to find a cure. How is it possible? Especially, when all we hear about is:

  • More Job Cuts

  • Falling House Prices

  • A Looming Foreclosure Crisis

  • Government Bailouts

The Solution…

There is light at the end of this, seemingly endless, dark tunnel of economic woes. Be empowered to cope, by being in control of your financial future. Learn how to start a business, without the crippling weight of debt. How? Bootstrap Financing is the answer.

You can learn how to start, manage and grow you business -- even if you don't have much money, don't own your own home, or have poor credit. Don't allow the doldrums of recession depression to stop you from regaining control of your life. Investigate bootstrap financing methods, and start your own business TODAY!

If you'd like to learn more about bootstrap financing, claim your free copy of "The Bootstrapper's Business Start-Up Planner", right here.

©2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Home Based Business Start Up Funding Guide - Find Business Start Up Money Without Borrowing

By: Kimberly Kelly

This Home Based Business Start Up Funding Guide is a free resource, developed to help you find the business start up money you need to finance your home based business. The funding sources reviewed here are not intended to act as a comprehensive listing, but rather a quick start reference guide, to get you on the road to start up funding success.

For a more comprehensive listing, please seek the guidance of a Certified Start Up Business Consultant, specializing in alternative financing strategies and cost reduction methods.

Business Start Up Contests

Business start up contests may be worth your time. You can potentially win business start up money, recognition and free publicity, or valuable business services. Here are a few dot com contest sites:

  • StartUpNation – "Leading Moms in Business Contest"

  • Business – "What Works for Business Contest"

  • Ideablob – "Business Idea Contest"

Business Start Up Grants

Although it may be somewhat challenging to qualify for a government grant to start your business, consider private sector start up grants. This will require diligent research, but there are some private sector grant opportunities available to new businesses. Some don't even require a completed business plan – just a great idea. Check out the $1,000 Entrepreneurial Spirit Grant opportunity offered by Idea CafĂ© (BusinessOwnersIdeaCafe.com), to assist you in your quest for home based business start up funding.

Form a Strategic Alliance

Formulating a mutually beneficial strategic alliance, with a non-competing business in your industry or field of expertise, can save you thousands of dollars. If you have specialized skills or expertise in your field, join forces with a company which compliments your business.

For example, if you plan to start a bookkeeping service from your home, you may want to connect up with a certified public accountant. Or, if you are a Certified Start Up Business Consultant like me, you may have strategic alliances with an attorney and accountant. These relationships benefit you greatly by reducing a large chunk of your operating costs, thereby lowering your home based business start up funding requirements.

Bootstrap Financing Methods

All of the ideas we've discussed are free sources of funding, to assist you in your bootstrap financing plan. Did you know that there are hundreds of absolutely free resources that you can take advantage of, to help your home based business obtain the all important start up funding it needs to succeed?

If you're desperately searching for business start up money to finally realize your dream of successful business ownership without bank loans, consider the services of a Certified Start Up Business Consultant.

I work with people everyday who just didn't think that they had enough money to start a business. You can find the money you need to start your business TODAY – even if you have poor credit or don't own a home.

Start by claiming your free copy of "The Bootstrapper's Start Up Business Planner", by visiting my website.

©2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Creative Business Financing Strategies – What's Hot and What's Not!

By: Kimberly Kelly

Can anyone clarify the mystery of creative business financing? Surprisingly enough, there is a myriad of misinformation -- and just plain bad advice swarming this topic. If you're at the point of utter frustration in your search for straight talk about truly creative sources of business start up funding, then read on.

Join me in weeding out "the crap" (pardon the expression) versus the truly creative business financing solutions, by exploring what's hot and what's not in business start up funding. Let's start out by looking at what's not.

What's Not!

Borrowing from Family & Friends
This is usually not a very good idea. It's one thing to risk your own assets, but what happens if your business doesn't do as well as expected?

Credit Card Financing
Using credit cards as a source of start up funding is a very bad move. Not only is the interest rate unfavorable, but so are the repayment terms. Read the fine print of your card holder agreement and you'll see exactly what I mean.

Merchant Account Financing
This is like a loan, in that you are given a sum of money up front. However, there are no loan repayments. The lender takes a chunk of each and every one of your credit card transactions as repayment. Please, please, please – this is a very bad idea!

Peer-to-Peer Lending Groups
This is a loan from a non-traditional source – but nonetheless a loan. The major players are Prosper, Loanio and Zopa.

Before We Continue, Let's Make a Quick Stop in Oz…

Did you know that creative doesn't have to mean difficult? Challenging circumstances are often conquered with very simple –- dare I say, childlike solutions.

Remember Dorothy and Toto? Dorothy just wanted to get home to Aunty Em. What she didn't realize (until it was pointed out) was that she had the means to get back to Kansas the whole entire time. She just needed to understand how to effectively manage what she already had. Along comes Glenda her personal coach (a/k/a The Good Witch).

Glenda provides Dorothy with the training she needed to utilize the resources already at her disposal (exhibit A: the ruby red slippers). The end result? Dorothy is empowered to use what she already had, to get to where she really wanted to be. So what is the moral of this story? Are you trusting in "so called" Wizards?

Learn proven, creative financing strategies to fund your start up by exploring the benefits of bootstrapping.

What's Hot!

Trade the value of your products or services for the products and services of other business professionals. I am well acquainted with this form of creative business financing, as a few of my customers have offered me services in lieu of payment.

Check out AmericanBarter.com and BizXchange.com if you'd like more information.

Equipment Leasing
Leasing business equipment is a creative means of unlocking needed cash flow. This form of business start up funding is especially helpful if your business requires expensive machinery or equipment.

Piggyback Marketing
Find complimentary businesses to partner with. This is an excellent form of promoting your business for free.

Bootstrap Financing
This involves a complete system for creatively financing your business, without loan financing or the misuse of credit. All of the strategies we've just explored are some of the many methods of bootstrapping. For the best possible results with this form of funding, you need to invest in a proven, start up business survival guide.

Learn from others who have successfully walked this path before you.

As a Certified Start Up Business Consultant, I work with people everyday who just didn't think that they had enough money to start a business. Even if you have little money, poor credit or don't own a home, you can find creative business financing solutions. Get the help you need to find business start up funding -- and start your business TODAY!

Get started by getting a free copy "The Bootstrapper's Start-Up Business Planner" by visiting my website.

©2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bootstrap Financing – Dead End or Doorway to Small Business Success?

Have you heard of bootstrap financing? Many of us have heard of the terms "bootstrapping" and "shoestring start up", but few of us understand how to make it work for us. Is it possible to have small business success by bootstrapping –- or is it just a dead end? Let's take a closer look at this largely overlooked and under utilized form of business start up funding.

What Exactly is Bootstrapping?

Bootstrap Financing is a complete financial management system for starting and building a brand new business, without the assistance of loans, the misuse of credit cards or blowing your life savings.

There are many misconceptions, and even more misinformation about this business financing strategy. I should know because I talk to clients everyday that either, (1) have never heard of it, or (2) just don't how to make it work for them. As a Start Up Efficiency Consultant, I teach budding entrepreneurs how to reduce their start costs and ongoing operating expenses through the use of my 3 step bootstrap financing system. This system doesn't require:

  • borrowing against the value of your home's equity;

  • taking money from family and friends

  • the misuse of credit cards.

What’s even better, you can employ this system, even if you have very little money to start, poor credit or don't own your own home. You just don't hear many "experts" extolling this form of business start up funding.

Why Should I Consider this Funding Strategy?

Many new entrepreneurs choose this method of business start up funding by necessity. If you have very little money, poor credit or don't own a home, bootstrapping is usually your only option. Even if you're not in this situation, it just makes plain good sense not to borrow money if you don't have to.

Can I Really Start a Successful Small Business Without Debt?

Absolutely! Again, I cannot stress enough that small business success with this financing strategy is all about the system of bootstrapping that you use, and not just the means employed. Do not attempt bootstrapping unless you have a proven system in place. If you do, your chances of failure are great. Here is what you need:

  • business plan, specifically for a bootstrapped business

  • cost reduction plan for start up costs and operating expenses

  • alternate income streams to fund your reserve account

  • employ effective cash flow management strategies

Get Started Today!

As you continue to pursue your dreams of small business success, be sure to conduct thorough research. Don't take all "expert" advice! Make sure that the advice you do take makes common sense. Bootstrapping isn't rocket science, but it does go against the main stream adage of "borrow, borrow, borrow" or "buy now, pay later". As you plan for building your business, do not make plans to build a house of cards upon a mountain of debt! Instead, build a successful small business upon a sure and firm foundation. In doing so, you'll soon discover that bootstrapping is truly the doorway to long-term business success!

© 2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Bootstrap Financing Tip #2: Make Your Own Website

One of the key principals of bootstrap financing is reducing your business start up costs. Make your own website and save hundreds - even thousands of dollars! If you are planning a new business, there is simply no question that you need an online presence. No matter what type of business you plan to start, a website is an absolute necessity. Why miss out on the over 220 million internet users in the USA alone? These web surfers enjoy the convenience of shopping any time of the day or night — and may be looking for a product or service just like yours!

Case in Point

When my husband and I started our janitorial company over 5 years ago, we were using large display ads in the yellow pages as our primary form of advertising. After wasting tens of thousands of dollars, we decided to take our business online. As a result, our business increased by 130% and our profitability went through the roof! Why? The main reason is that it is far cheaper to create, maintain and promote a website than it is to use some prehistoric forms of print advertising. Do keep in mind that one size does not fit all. There may be some businesses that benefit from print advertising in the phone book - I just haven't come across one yet!

Bootstrap Financing Tip #2 - Make Your Own Website!
Did you know that you can make a professional, traffic generating website without breaking the bank? If you don't have a big budget for creating a website, explore a "do-it-yourself" option. By doing it yourself, I don't mean starting from scratch. What I do mean is taking advantage of very affordable services which offer you the option of building a professional website. Check out these absolutely free and very low cost options:

1. $4.99/per month: GoDaddy.com - Website Tonight
Includes website builder with professional templates, hosting and email

2. FREE: OffiveLive.com - Microsoft Office Live
Includes website builder with templates, hosting and email

Remember, there is no sense in having a free or low cost website if it doesn't generate traffic. If you do decide to make your own website, be sure that you do some research on search engine optimization.

What is Search Engine Optimization

Check out the Wikipedia definition here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_engine_optimization

All successful websites have two main ingredients: (1) traffic or website visitors; and (2) conversions, also known as sales, sign-ups or whatever action you'd like a potential customer to take. In order for a website to attract visitors, it must be prominently listed in search engine results.

Web surfers type in "keywords" to help them find the information they're looking for. When building your site, you must understand the process of utilizing keywords in the content provided on your website. If you don't it is unlikely that you will have many visitors to your site. No visitors mean no possible conversions.

Essential Website Freebies

If you do decide to make your own website, you don't have to sacrifice the quality features that a more expensive site would offer. Visit these dot corns to take advantage of essential, free tools for your "do-it-yourself" website.

  • Free Pop-up Link Generator: Visit Snap

  • Free Spam Eliminator: Visit Captcha.net

  • Free Contact Us Form: Visit Freecontactform

  • Free Website Photos: Visit Photobucket

  • Free Search Optimized Web Content: Visit EzineArticles

Discover how you can start your business TODAY - even if you have very little money, poor credit or don't own a home. Learn the key principals of bootstrap financing. For more information, check out The Start-Up Business Survival Guide.

© Kimberly Kelly 2009 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Business Start Up Grants – Free Money to Start a Business or False Hope?

If you are investigating business start up grants as a possible funding source for your new business, you may be in for a shock. Since so much misinformation is circulated about this form of business start up funding, let's explore the top five FAQs (frequently asked questions).

FAQ #1: Do grants pay out free money to start a business?

I am sorry to have to tell you that the government does not offer any financial assistance programs which pay out free money for business start up expenses.

FAQ #2: What exactly is a federally funded grant?

A federal grant is a financial assistance award from a US government agency to a business or individual, for the purpose of engaging in a project or initiative which supports a specific law or laws of the United States.

An example of such assistance would be that of a public or private sector relief agency, (such as a non-profit community food bank) applying for financial assistance to help the victims of a hurricane or other natural disaster.

FAQ #3: Where do I apply for business start up grants?

You can find an extensive listing of government backed financial assistance programs at grants.gov. Please keep in mind, that you must understand the grant writing process to successfully apply.

FAQ #4: Who is eligible to apply?

Although just about anyone can apply for government grants, very few will qualify. Typically, most successful grantees fall into one of the following categories:

  • State and Local Government Agencies

  • Schools, Colleges and Universities

  • Community Education and/or Health Initiatives

  • Scientific/Technological Research and Development Companies

  • Public Housing Authorities

  • Non-profit Groups

FAQ #5: Does the federal government offer any other forms of free business start up funding?

The US government does not offer any programs which provide free money to start a business. Government backed small business loans are the only available sources of financial assistance offered by the federal government to start up businesses.

Business Start Up Grants Do Not Exist!

Although it may be quite disappointing to discover that start up grants simply do not exist, you don't have to give up hope. You can find free sources of business start up funding – if you know where to look.

There is Still Hope

Don't allow your dream of starting your own business to be dashed by the false hopes of getting free government funding. You can find the money to start a business -– and without BIG bank loans. Consider absolutely free sources of business start up funding that are legitimate and honest. Start by investing in a start up business eBook, with the secrets for finding the money you need to get on the road to start up business success.

© Kimberly Kelly 2009 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Bootstrap Financing Tip #1: Find Cheap Office Space for Your Start Up Business

One of the key principals of bootstrap financing is reducing your start up costs and ongoing operating expenses. You can tackle this task, utilizing a number of strategies and cost-cutting techniques. Today, let's discuss finding cheap office space for your start up business, as a means of lowering your costs.

Hear Rebekah's Story…

Rebekah is a graphic designer and professional website developer. After graduating from design school, she pulled out an old crumpled up business card that had been washed in the pocket of her favorite blue jeans. The contact information on the card was faded, but she was able to make out enough of the information to give me a call. She sat in on one of my talks to her graduating class and stuck my card in her pocket for safe-keeping.

Rebekah was about to start her own design business and wanted to meet for a consultation. With the debt load from her student loans, she didn't have much money. She was desperate to branch out on her own and knew she needed bootstrap financing for her new business. As a designer, her start up costs were relatively low, as compared to some businesses. The problem for Rebekah was that she didn't have very much money at all. She didn't own a home – or even her own apartment. As she shared an apartment with a former classmate (and her loudly barking big dog), Rebekah desperately needed to find cheap office space.

So how did we solve Rebekah's dilemma? I happened to have a very large plumbing company as a client at the time. The company was hit quite hard by the recession and had to downsize it's operations to survive. As a result, the walls of their 10,000 square foot, plush facilities were echoing from the absence of bodies to fill the, once occupied, cubicles of their massive call center. I had advised them only two months prior to change their hugely expensive, yet ancient phone book display advertising tactics, in favor of a more cost effective, web based approach.

The end result? Rebekah moved into a beautiful new office, with all utilities and internet service included for FREE. Yes, you heard right – absolutely free. The payoff was a complete website redesign with hosting and webmastering. Rebekah would also take over the design of all of the plumbing company's marketing materials and sales literature.

Find Cheap Office Space for Your Business

You too can find affordable office space for your small business. Consider the following options:

1. Start a home based business, if your situation permits.
2. Barter your products or services for office space (as in Rebekah's case)
3. Contact a commercial real estate agent for sub-letting opportunities
4. Investigate a virtual office package

Discover how you can start your business TODAY – even if you have very little money, poor credit or don't own a home. Learn the key principals of bootstrap financing! For more information, check out The Start-Up Business Survival Guide.

© Kimberly Kelly 2009 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article on the condition that it may only be reprinted in its entirety with all live links and author bio in tact.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Raise Small Business Start Up Capital Without Borrowing

Did you know that you can find small business start up capital without borrowing from banks, family or friends? If you've been dreaming of the financial freedom that comes with being your own boss –- only to have your hopes and dreams dashed by the harsh realities of finding the business start up funding you need –- read on! Let me introduce you to the only method for successfully starting and growing a small business without BIG bank loans, bootstrap financing!

There are many shoestring financing tactics being touted by business experts as being the best way of financing a bootstrapped business. As a Start Up Business Efficiency Expert, allow me to help you sift through all of the methods that simply do not work! Let's examine them here:

Loans from Family and Friends

Although this may have worked successfully for Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines, this method of start up financing doesn't work for everyone. In many cases, it causes "bad blood" between family members and broken ties for old friends.

In my own family, I have seen the devastation that unpaid start up loans can have on family relationships. A member of my family started a retail store by borrowing from 3 other immediate family members. To make a long story short – the business went "belly up" and the loans were never repaid. This caused a major rift in our family, when one of the three members that loaned some of the money became very angry about not being repaid. This kind of damage is not easily repaired. My advice? Don't borrow from family and friends to raise small business start up capital! It just isn't worth the pain.

Credit Card Financing

Caution: This is a big mistake! Although I have advised many of my clients not to go down this road, some have ignored this advice – and with disastrous results. I implore you not to trust the advice of any start up expert that would suggest credit cards as a means of business start up funding. Please don't just take my word for it! Read the true life stories of three small business owners – caught in the credit card crunch. "Credit Woes Hit Home", by Jane J. Kim is a prime example of why you owe it to yourself to do thorough research when considering some "so called" bootstrap financing options. Read the article without buying the newspaper! Check it out for free online by copying and pasting this address in your browser:


Savings and Investments

Using your savings is only wise if you have first created a financial plan for your start up. I take my clients by the hand and guide them step-by-step through this process, as it is foundational for any business desiring to start up without borrowing. If you skip this vital step, your new business just isn't going to make it. Don't risk your life's savings because you've taken the wrong advice. Research; research -- and again I'll say it -- research! The importance of planning and being well prepared with a bootstrap financing system that actually works, is key to your success.

Raising the Business Start Up Capital You Need

Let's be real, all businesses need a continuous inflow of cash to succeed. The problem arises when you don't adequately plan for cash flow fluctuations. Understand this: there will be a time lag in between the period in which you start your business and when you can expect your business to start earning a profit. To survive and conquer this time period requires realistic and well conceived planning. You simply must have a proven and effective system in place to keep cash flowing through your business.

To raise the business start up funding you need requires an expert crash course in bootstrapping. Did you know that there are literally hundreds of free resources that can help you fund your start up business? The trick is knowing how and where to find them. Get started on the road to start up success today – without borrowing. Find free sources of funding and bootstrap your way to start up success!

© Kimberly Kelly 2009 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article on the condition that it may only be reprinted in its entirety with all live links and author bio in tact.

Simple Business Plan Basics – 3 Expert Tips That Can Save You Thousands

Are you looking for a simple business plan for your fledgling start up? If you find yourself overwhelmed, confused and just plain frustrated by all of the conflicting information, and so called "expert" advice on writing a plan for your business – relax! You've come to the right place for really simple, but effective tips that can potentially save you thousands of dollars.

Can a Simple Business Plan Really Save You Thousands?

Let's consider the main purpose for writing a plan for your business. In modern times, the primary reason budding entrepreneurs waste so much money on expensive software, courses or hiring professional business plan writers, is to win the favor of potential investors. In short, you want your business plan to so impress the banks, that they're falling over themselves to stamp "approved" on your loan application.

Let's face it –- we've all been told that traditional bank financing was the only way to fund a successful small business. I'm here to tell you that this just isn't true! You can find the funding you need for your start up without BIG bank loans.

My Personal Story

About 5 years ago, my husband and I owned a very successful small business – or so we thought! We were perpetually "up to our eyeballs" in debt. As our business was seasonal, we had to constantly borrow against our receivables to manage cash flow. At the time, we believed this to be just normal operating procedures for small businesses – nothing out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, we were right. It is a standard of practice to operate a business on a mound of debt; unless you know an easier and more profitable way – like Bootstrapping!

Five years later, we own several small businesses that we've started up without bank loan financing. It all started with a simple business plan for starting up on a shoestring. I can not stress to you enough the value of not having to mail out a huge bank loan check every month. These repayments kill your bottom line and make it that much harder to turn a profit and succeed.

As a result of my experiences, I set about the task of helping other small business owners learn how to start a business without bank loan financing.

Check Out My Top 3 Tips for Shoestring Start Up

Tip #1: DO NOT Create a Traditional Small Business Plan!

Create a bootstrapped plan. Don't borrow! You owe it to yourself to, at the very least, investigate free sources of start up funding. I can tell you that there are literally hundreds of free resources that can help you reduce (and even eliminate) some of your start up costs.

Tip #2: DO NOT Pay Out a Dime to Professional Business Plan Writers!

Please believe me – I have nothing at all against getting the help of a professional consultant, when necessary. However, if you're up for the task of creating a bootstrapped plan for your business, you really shouldn't waste a few hundred dollars. Hiring business plan writers only makes sense if you plan to apply for commercial bank loans.

Tip #3: DO Cut Down on Your Start Up Expenses by Utilizing Free Resources

Let me make it clear that every small business needs a business plan. You wouldn't plan a long car trip without a roadmap, so why would you risk so much by starting a business without a plan? Now that we've established that, let me be clear. You do not need a fancy, laminated and saddle stitched written plan for a shoestring start up. Get yourself a three ring binder and a pack of tabbed dividers from your local dollar store. Next, do a quick online search for a simple business plan template. You can check out a free template at http://www.score.org/template_gallery.html.

I sincerely hope you have found these tips to be helpful. If you'd like more free information on creating a business plan for a bootstrapped business, you can visit my website.

©2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article on the condition that it may only be reprinted in its entirety with all live links and author bio in tact.

Business Start Up Funding Survival Secrets – Find the Money You Need Without Business Start Up Loans

Let me let you in on the secret to finding business start up funding, without the need for huge small business start up loans. It's called Bootstrapping! Did you know that you can find free sources of start up funding? These absolutely free resources can help you to successfully start, manage and grow -- even if you have very little of your own money to get started.

Your New Business is a Cash Eating Monster!

Your new small business is like a cash eating monster. It thrives and survives on cash. Why does your start up have such a huge appetite? Think of your new baby venture in terms of a real baby. While in its infancy, you need to constantly feed it the cash it needs to keep it growing at a healthy rate.

Start Up Business Survival

Since the leading cause of business failure is a lack operating capital, you need to ensure that you have a plan in place for your business to maintain its cash flow requirements. You can achieve this goal and still avoid the need for small business start up loans. How? By greatly reducing and/or eliminating many of your initial start up costs and ongoing operating expenses.

The Secret for Success

Make sure your new baby has a continuous supply of business start up funding. You simply cannot successfully accomplish this requirement by overextending yourself with huge small business start up loans. The secret is to find free resources to help you.

Where Can I Find Free Start Up Resources?

There are literally hundred of free sources of business start up funding, if you know where to look! When I came home from the hospital after the birth of my fourth child, I had my new baby in one arm and a cardboard box brimming with free diapers, baby formula, creams potions and lotions in the other.

Why do baby products manufacturers give away so many free products? They're hoping to gain buyer loyalty. The same is true for companies that supply products and services to businesses. They give away free products, services, trials and so on to gain you as a future loyal customer. As a new business, you can use many of these freebies to greatly reduce your start up and operating costs. In many cases, you can completely eliminate some of these costs.

So the moral of this story is: Don't sit on a mountain of debt by applying for small business start up loans – Bootstrap your way to start up success!

©2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article on the condition that it may only be reprinted in its entirety with all live links and author bio in tact.

Small Business Plan Beginner's Guide – What You Should Know Before Buying Business Plan Software

Finally, a small business plan guide for the true novice! As a budding entrepreneur, it is vitally important that you create a plan for your business. However, sifting through the maze of products and information available to help you, can be a time-consuming nightmare – until now!

As a Start Up Business Consultant, I've done all of the grueling work for you. Just follow my simple 1-2-3 beginner's guide. Here, I'll discuss where you can get your hands on absolutely free templates –- and even free business plan software. So, let's get started on the road to success with a well written, small business plan blueprint.

1-2-3 Success Guide

Step 1: Take a Beginner's Business Start Up Course

To successfully plan your new business, you need to make sure that you thoroughly understand the fundamentals of business. If you're new to entrepreneurship, consider taking a business start up course. When it comes to the all important task of starting a new business, benefit from a helping hand. Learn how to start, manage and grow a successful small business from others who have gone before you. The cost for these courses range from $99 to $1,200.

You do not have to spend a fortune to benefit from the wisdom of others. The US Small Business Administration offers the free online course: "Small Business Primer – Your Guide to Starting a Business". Take this valuable course absolutely free by visiting sba.gov.

Step 2: Take a Business Plan Writing Course

If you are banking on bagging a commercial start up loan, I would strongly suggest that you take a small business plan writing course. There are many online courses being offered, which take you step-by-step from start to finish. The cost ranges anywhere from $129 – $499.

Hold on to your checkbook! You can also take an excellent writing course, without spending a dime. Check out the free course offered online at TrumpUniversity.com.

Step 3: Write Your Plan

Don't re-invent the wheel! Once you've completed your course, take the hard work out of writing your plan by investigating business plan software. You can purchase a basic software package for as little as $99, and a professional version for $199.

Another option is to simply use one of the many professional, business plan templates that are available to help you get started. These templates are being sold from $19 to $199.

However, why pay a penny when you can get your hands on professional business plan software and templates for free?

  • For free templates: score.org/template_gallery

  • For free software: planware.org/businessplanfreeware

Bonus Tip – Take Advantage of Free Sources of business Start Up Funding

There are many more sources of free business products and services available to new start ups like yours. Reconsider funding your start up with massive bank loan financing! You can greatly reduce your start up costs and ongoing operating expenses by getting some advice from a Start Up Business Consultant. Make your dreams of starting a small business without BIG bank loans a reality. I'm living proof!

©2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article on the condition that it may only be reprinted in its entirety with all live links and author bio in tact.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Small Business Start Up Success Story – How to Beat the Odds and Achieve True Small Business Success

Do you have what it takes to become the next small business start up success? Most of us have read about "rags to riches" small business success stories in the headlines, but are any of these stories true? Is it really possible to beat the start up failure rate odds? Can your new start up business not only survive – but thrive in this current economic downturn?

The answer is yes -- if you know the true secret to small business start up success.

The Secret to Success is Bootstrapping

The true secret to start up success is Bootstrapping. If you've done your research, you understand that a new business has about a 56% chance of surviving beyond four years. The primary cause of failure is lack of operating capital. A common, but fatal mistake that many new business owner's face is underestimating the amount of time it takes to turn a profit. This is especially troublesome if your start up and operating costs are sky high.

Reduce Your Small Business Start Up Costs

Learning how to reduce start up costs and ongoing operating expenses, could mean the difference between small business success, or ultimate shut down and failure. So how can you reduce these costs and give your new venture a better chance of survival? My answer is bootstrapping.

As a Start Up Business Consultant specializing in cost reduction strategies, I often provide my clients with the tools they need for shoestring start up success. There are literally hundreds of free resources that new entrepreneurs can take advantage of to greatly lower –- and even eliminate some business start up costs. These proven strategies provide valuable sources of free business start up funding, while unlocking much needed operating capital for long term sustainability.

Take the Next Step!

So what should you do right now? Get advice from a certified small business start up efficiency expert. He or she will be able to guide you in the development of a sound, start up funding plan. This is especially important if you have very limited financial resources. Another option is to take the time required to research the best small business to start on a shoestring budget.

You can have true small business success if you understand why so many businesses fail. Take the necessary measures to ensure your success by finding free resources to help you greatly reduce your start up costs.

©2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article on the condition that it may only be reprinted in its entirety with all live links and author bio in tact.

Kimberly Kelly is a Certified Start Up Business Consultant who teaches new entrepreneurs the secrets for finding free sources of business start up funding through her ebooks, seminars and coaching services. She is the author of the popular selling ebook: The Start-Up Business Survival Guide: 101 FREE Products and Services to Help Finance Your Dream of Successful Business Ownership. Visit her website at http://wwwStartUpBusinessSurvivalGuide.com.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Small Business Ideas – Find the Best Business to Start Without BIG Bank Loans

Profitable small business ideas are the cornerstone for start up business success! Are you searching for the best business to start without BIG bank loans? Perhaps you have less than perfect credit, and a bank loan is just not a financing option for you.

To find the right business opportunity to start without incurring major debt requires that you consider small business ideas that are profitable -- and can be started on a shoestring. So, which business ideas should you consider? Let's take a look at the What, Where and How for finding the best small business to start.

The What…

If you have very limited resources, you should consider a service orientated business. Service businesses can be started up quickly and easily – and usually don't require bank loan financing. Here are a few sources to help get you started in your research.

"The Internet Idea Book: 101 Internet Business Ideas for the Everyday Ordinary Person", by Michelle McGarry

"101 Small Business Ideas for Under $5,000", by Corey Sandler and Janice Keefe

Check out these books for free at your local public library, or do an online search for free information on the best business to start at StartUpBusinessSuccess.com.

The Where…

Consider a home based business start up. Operating a home based business immediately cuts down about 32% of your small business start up costs.

The How…

Find free sources of start up money! Save on your initial start up costs and ongoing operating expenses by searching out free sources of business start up funding. Many budding entrepreneurs don't realize that these valuable, free resources exist. Don't borrow, bootstrap!

Let's Recap…

So, the first step to finding the best business to start without BIG bank loans is to research small business ideas that you can start up on a shoestring. The second step is to consider a home based business start up. The third step is to find free sources of business start up funding.

That's a Wrap!

Now you have all the information and advice you need to find profitable, shoestring small business ideas for your home based business start up. Share your shoestring start up success story with me. Post your best start up success story right here.

©2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Permission is granted to reprint this article on the condition that it may only be reprinted in its entirety with all live links and author bio in tact.

Kimberly Kelly is a Certified Start Up Business Consultant who teaches new entrepreneurs the secrets for finding free sources of business start up funding through her ebooks, seminars and coaching services. She is the author of the popular selling ebook: The Start-Up Business Survival Guide: 101 FREE Products and Services to Help Finance Your Dream of Successful Business Ownership. Visit her website at http://wwwStartUpBusinessSurvivalGuide.com.

Start Up Business Loan Beginner's Guide: What You Should Know Before You Borrow

If you are considering a start up business loan to finance your new venture, be certain that you have all the facts. Fully understanding the commercial loan process is paramount to making the right decision.

Let's explore the 5 key factors which shape the entire loan approval process.

Key Factor #1: Do you have a sound business plan?

In addition to the loan application paperwork, a commercial lender will need to see your small business plan. You must prove that your business is viable on paper and demonstrate exactly how and when your new business will turn a profit. No reputable lender will hand over a loan check without first ensuring that your new business will have the ability to pay back the borrowed funds.

Key Factor #2: Do you have good personal credit?

Even with the best possible small business plan, it is highly unlikely that you will be approved for a start up business loan without a reasonable credit history. A lender determines the lending risk by evaluating your personal credit worthiness. Please understand and consider that you are entering into a legally binding agreement in which you promise to make timely, scheduled repayments. Your past credit history is the only evidence available to a potential lender, indicating how you have repaid other debtors in the past.

Key Factor #3: What collateral do you have to secure the loan?

Notice I didn't write "do you have collateral". You absolutely must have collateral to be approved for a standard commercial loan. This also includes SBA guaranteed loans. Please believe me when I tell you that the US Small Business Administration is not in the business of guaranteeing "high risk" commercial loans. A commonly used source of collateral for a start up business loan is the equity in your home, or other real estate you may own. Therefore, the start up loan is secured on this real estate. If you fail to repay the loan, your property may be at risk.

Key factor #4: What are you planning to use the money for?

In addition to demonstrating that you have need of a loan (in other words, you do not have other means of obtaining the funds to start a business), you must also indicate to a lender what you will be spending the money on. The lender must approve of how you intend to spend the loan. If you wanted to spend your start up business loan on research and development, the lender must approve. No matter for what or how you intended to spend the loan amount, it must be approved by the lender. This is usually spelled out in your small business plan.

Key Factor #5: What if you decide to repay the loan early?

Did you know that you can be hit with prepayment penalties of as much as 5% for paying off your loan early? This even applies to SBA guaranteed loans. Keep in mind, lenders are in business to make money. They only make money on interest repayments, not the principal loan amount. If you pay your loan off too early, they will lose out on potential profits!

Some Potential Problems…

What is you have poor credit or don't own a home? Are you still able to secure a start up business loan? The answer is likely no. You can however check out alternative lending sources, such as peer-to-peer lending groups like Prosper or Loanio.

What is the Solution?

The solution is to find a sound alternative to taking out a BIG bank loan in the first place. Consider bootstrapping your new business. As a Start Up Business Consultant, I help budding entrepreneurs find low cost alternatives to loan financing. Clients who have purchased my ebook have found the money they need for small business success. You can find absolutely free sources of business start up funding to make your dream of small business ownership a start up success story -- even if you have bad credit or don't own a home!

© 2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights reserved
This article may only be reprinted in its entirety, including author byline, bio and with all live links in tact.

Kimberly Kelly is a Certified Start Up Business Consultant who teaches new entrepreneurs the secrets for finding free sources of business start up funding through her ebooks, seminars and coaching services. She is the author of the popular selling ebook: The Start-Up Business Survival Guide: 101 FREE Products and Services to Help Finance Your Dream of Successful Business Ownership. Visit her website at http://www.StartUpBusinessSurvivalGuide.com

Free Money to Start a Business – Fact or Fairytale?

Is there any validity to the claims that you can find free money to start a business? Is free business start up money a Fact or a Fairytale? If you've often dreamed of starting your own business, but just couldn't seem to raise the business start up funding to finally accomplish your goals, then read on. Let's explore the cold, hard facts versus the fluffy, fairytale fallacies.

As a Start Up Business Consultant, I am often asked how a new business can start, survive and thrive with limited start up funding. The answer is often too simple for my clients to believe -- Bootstrapping! Yes, you CAN successfully start and grow a small business on a shoestring. How do I know? Not only do I have the experience of taking budding entrepreneurs by the hand and walking them through the entire process, but I also have the experience of having done it myself. Therefore, I know it works!

Do Your Research!

Don’t just take my word for it! A necessary part of doing the required research for any new business venture is making sure you thoroughly check out your information sources. Anyone can claim to be an expert. Make sure you are truly dealing with one.

Now, let's uncover the fairytales and explore the facts.

Fairytale #1: Free money to start a business just doesn't exist!

Fact: You can absolutely find free sources of business start up funding, if you know where to look. Government grants are one, but they are very difficult to qualify for. My eBook contains numerous sources of free start up funding that I've put to very good use. These free resources help budding entrepreneurs unlock much needed business start up money.

Fairytale #2: You can't start a business without a bank loan!

Fact: Yes you can! Utilize free small business resources to eliminate many of your start up costs, and to greatly reduce ongoing operating expenses. Never borrow a penny unless absolutely necessary! Borrowing means you're starting off with a deficit. Not only will it take you much longer to profit from your business, but you also have the added worries of making loan repayments – and on time! Take my advice from past experience, don't borrow -- Bootstrap!

Fairytale #3: It's impossible to start a business with very little business start up money.

Fact: You most certainly can start a business on a frayed shoestring. The key is know-how. You need to know:

  1. How to choose profitable, shoestring start up business ideas;

  2. Where to find free sources of business start up funding.

You can make your dreams of small business ownership a reality -- even if you have little money, bad credit or don't own a home. Continue on your journey to start up success by conducting thorough research. You may also want to invest in an eBook to help you along. By doing so, you'll unlock the secrets for finding free money to start a business.

© 2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights reserved
This article may only be reprinted in its entirety, including author byline, bio and with all live links in tact.

About the Author:

Kimberly Kelly teaches new entrepreneurs the secrets for finding free sources of business start up funding through her ebooks, seminars and coaching services. She is the author of the popular selling ebook: the Start-Up Business Survival Guide: 101 FREE Products and Services to Help Finance Your Dream of Successful Business Ownership. Visit her website at http://www.StartUpBusinessSurvivalGuide.com

Monday, June 1, 2009

Marketing a Business on a Shoestring: 3 Free Small Business Resources Your Start Up Can't Survive Without

Marketing a business on a shoestring is an absolute must for the long term survival of any new start up business. Utilizing free small business resources has helped my clients save thousands of dollars. As a new small business owner, you simply can not afford to waste a single penny of your small business start up capital, by overspending on printed fancy brochures or an expensive website.

How Can Free Small Business Resources Help My Start Up?

Taking advantage of free resources can greatly reduce your initial business start up costs and ongoing operating expenses. This translates into lower overheads and greater profitability.

3 Free Marketing Resources Your Start Up Can't Survive Without!

Marketing a business on a shoestring doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice quality or professionalism. You can find excellent free business resources that represent a tremendous value, if you know where to look. Here are my top three, must-have picks:

#1: Collateral Damage

Free Desktop Publishing Software

Take no prisoners when it comes to "standing out from the competition". You absolutely need to have an impressive arsenal of marketing collateral (such as a comprehensive marketing kit) at your disposal. Take advantage of free desktop publishing software to create winning marketing materials.

#2: Seek and You Will Find!

Free Blog

Let potential customers find you! Did you know that 73% of the U.S. population are already web surfers. As a new business, you need to make sure that you have an online presence. Otherwise you could be missing out on the over 220 million internet users in the USA alone who may be looking for a business just like yours.

Take advantage of an absolutely free blog. A blog is oftentimes considered better than a website for attracting visitors. Why a blog over a website? Blogs are usually updated a lot more frequently with fresh content that internet surfers are hungry for.

Free Search Engine Optimization

Just like websites, blogs need search optimized content to attract targeted visitors. If you don't know the first thing about seo, you may want to consider posting articles to your blog. If you decide to take this option, be sure not to violate copyright law by not including the article author's information.

#3: Promote, Promote, Promote!

Successfully marketing a business requires that you create a strategy for promoting your products or services on a consistent basis. Start by creating a 12 month promotional calendar. If you need some help with this, here's another great free resource –- your local public library. Visit in person or go online and check out Guerrilla Marketing for Free by Jay Conrad Levinson. You'll find a very simplistic promotional calendar in chapter 2.

Why Are Reduced Overheads Essential to Start Up Business Survival?

The leading cause of start up failure is the lack of operating capital. To survive the time lag between start up and profitability, a new business must have a rock solid cash flow management plan. A successful cash flow management plan utilizes free small business resources to conserve much needed small business start up capital.

More Great Tips for Starting a Business on a Shoestring…

The Start Up Business Survival Guide is an excellent resource for anyone interested in finding free sources of small business start up capital. Make your dreams of small business ownership a reality – even if you have very little start up money. I'm living proof!

©2009 Kimberly Kelly – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Permission is granted to reprint this article on the condition that it may only be reprinted in its entirety with all live links and author bio in tact

Kimberly Kelly is a Certified Start Up Business Consultant who teaches new entrepreneurs the secrets for finding free sources of business start up funding through her ebooks, seminars and coaching services. She is the author of the popular selling ebook: The Start-Up Business Survival Guide: 101 FREE Products and Services to Help Finance Your Dream of Successful Business Ownership. Visit her website at http://www.StartUpBusinessSurvivalGuide.com